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To Killing a Mockingbird, Harper Lee

Notes by Beth Sims
Verfasser/in: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Sims, Beth
Jahr: 2010
Mediengruppe: B.Sach.Erw/L.sagg.a


Zweigstelle: LBS HI Standorte: Englisch Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist:


In full colour and a great student-friendly size, York Notes for GCSE is easy to use and easy to follow, so it’s easier than ever to get top marks.
Written by teachers to give you an expert understanding of the text, York Notes has the most in-depth coverage and analysis of everything from themes and contexts to characters, plots and language. You’ll get the low-down on everything you’ll need to demonstrate how well you understand the text and write the best essays.
There are sample answers, essay plans and specialist guidance on understanding the questions you’ll be asked in an exam, together with an array of handy quotes, checklists, study tips, grade boosters and revision activities to help you learn, revise efficiently and remember everything you’ll need to write the very best answers.



Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Verlag: London , York Press
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik Englisch
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ISBN: 978-1-408-24883-6
Beschreibung: New and fully revised edition , 72 pages: Ill.
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Sprache: englisch